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Book Review - Teaching Well: Insightsfor Educators in Christian Schools

Book Review:

Teaching Well: Insights for Educators in Christian Schools

edited by Ken Goodlet and John Collier

Ken Goodlet is an Australian educator who has taught in both state and independent schools. He has served as a school administrator in Australian and Malaysian independent schools and worked as an editor for an Australian Christian book publisher. He has published five community histories.

Dr John Collier is Head of St Andrew’s Cathedral School in Sydney, Australia. He was previously principal of a state and an independent school in New South Wales. He has served as Chair of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (NSW/ACT) and is presently a member of the Sydney Anglican Education Commission.


Teaching Well is a comprehensive resource for Christian teachers to think Christianly about their vocation and to encourage and enable their students to

"take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5).

I heartily commend this volume of thought-provoking essays from such gifted and experienced educators.

— Dr Glenn N Davies, Anglican Archbishop of Sydney

I am pleased to see a flourishing of discussion about rigorous and authentic Christian education. The editors seek to follow in a tradition that refuses to put Christianity alongside education and insists that the gospel needs to be integral.

— Ken Dickens, CEO, Christian Education National, Australia

If the next generation of Christians is to take steps of faithfulness in the entire range of cultural life to embody Christ’s Lordship, Christian education must be a priority. This book is a welcome contribution. A fine set of scholars and practitioners bring the gospel to bear on a wide span of educational subjects.

— Dr Mike Goheen, Professor of Missiology, Calvin Theological Seminary, USA

In recent years an important discussion has gathered pace surrounding questions about the nature and dynamics of a genuinely Christian education. Teaching Well is a very significant contribution to that discussion from an impressive array of men and women engaged in teaching as well as thinking about the task from the perspective of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Sound biblical and theological principles are brought to bear, together with solid cultural analysis.

— Dr Mark D Thompson, Principal, Moore Theological College, Sydney, Australia